Happy New Year everyone!
Just wanted to let you know my computer has been in the shop since Monday and I probably won't be back up til the 2nd week in January! I'll be back as soon as I can!!!
Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Saturday, December 27, 2014
Beyond Chance - Karice Bolton New Release
Happy Sultry Saturday y'all!
Today I'm featuring +Karice Bolton 's latest release
I love this series. It's highly addictive and I can't wait to dig in!
The fifth book in the Beyond Love Series...
Brandy hopes that moving to Paris with Aaron will shield her from the turmoil back in the states. With the trial about to start, she soon realizes running from her past only threatens her future.
Brandy hopes that moving to Paris with Aaron will shield her from the turmoil back in the states. With the trial about to start, she soon realizes running from her past only threatens her future.
Wednesday, December 24, 2014
Sugar's Peace - Katie Mettner
Merry Christmas, Tobi! I'm so thankful for you all year long, and I'm very excited to be sharing Sugar's Christmas story on your blog today. Several years ago I wrote Sugar's Peace, before there was Sugar's Song, Sugar's Night, or Sugar's Faith. I ended Sugar's Dance on Christmas Eve, but it seemed people wanted more Sugar. They wanted to know what happened 'the day after'. They wanted to know how she spent her first Christmas of the rest of her life. So, I wrote Sugar's Peace, just a short five page story about Christmas morning, the 'day after', and the first Christmas of the rest of her life. Looking at it now, several years and three books later, I can see I already had in my heart the places Sugar still needed to go, even if I didn't know it in my head yet. Obviously, many of you already know the rest of the story, but I think you will enjoy reading about Sugar's first Christmas with her new family. I want to thank all of my readers for the support over the last year and wish you all a very happy holiday season!
“Merry Christmas Ms. DuBois.” The soft words were murmured against my ear as his lips brushed my cheek. I was snuggled down deep inside the down comforter and could smell the sweet coffee wafting through the air.
“Aren’t you going to open those beautiful blue eyes?” Van asked as he pulled me in tight to him and twined his fingers in mine. A smiled played at my lips as I shook my head no. “And just why not?” he asked caressing my cheek.
“Because I’m afraid when I open them last night will have been a dream.” I said as his lips descended on mine and he kissed me slowly, pulling my hand to him and working the ring off my finger.
My eyes flew open, “What are you doing?!”
His eyes sparkled as he held the emerald ring, “I knew I could get you to open your eyes.” he said smiling at me as I grabbed at the ring. He jerked it back, “Let me prove last night wasn’t a dream.” he whispered. “Tula DuBois, will you marry me?” he asked very seriously and I burst out laughing as he feigned disappointment and hurt. “Is that a no?”
“That’s a yes, forever and always Mr. Bond.” I winked while he slipped the ring back on my finger and hugged me close. It was then that I noticed it was still dark outside, and the clock read six a.m., or o-dark thirty as my dad would say.
“Merry Christmas my love,” I whispered into his ear, “can we go back to sleep?” I asked and I felt his chest rumble against mine.
He sat back and handed me a cup of sweet creme liqueur, “No, no almost Mrs. Bond, we have things to do today, drink up.” he said as I brought the sweet nectar of the gods to my lips while raising a brow.
“Really? This early? You’re worse than a kid on Christmas morning.” I said around my mug and he laughed as he grabbed some clothes from the dresser and laid them on the bed and then leaned into me, kissing the coffee from my lips, “The presents can wait, I want to hold your hand and watch the éirí gréine, the first one of the rest of our lives.” he whispered and I smiled.
“Ah the sunrise. Excellent idea.” I grinned grabbing my jeans and pulling them on before snapping on my leg. He pulled me up off the bed into a tight embrace swaying as he sang, “Let peace begin with me. Let this be the moment now. With every step I take let this be my solemn vow; to take each moment and live each moment with peace eternally. Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me.”
“Let There Be Peace on Earth, Vince Gill, waltz.” I whispered.
“Do you have peace?” he asked.
“Like I haven’t known in a very, very long time.” I said smiling up at him as he twisted the ring on my finger.
Van led me through the dark lodge and out the front door quietly, so we didn’t wake Lillie. I stood on the front porch as the swing rocked in the morning breeze and took a deep breath. The air was frigid, and the trees were covered in an icy white mist. The sky, still a murky black, fought against the rising sun. We walked hand in hand towards the lake, him stopping every so often to steal a kiss.
“I love you.” he said after breaking off one rather long lip lock.
“I love you too.” I sighed a little and he chuckled.
“Was that a sigh?” he asked chucking me under the chin and I swatted at him as he took off running toward the break in the trees that opened into my little piece of Lake Superior. By the time I caught up to him he had disappeared and I was standing in our spot doing a 360°, calling his name. On the 180° turn I saw it. There sat a cedar bench with a big red bow.
I ran my hand along the top of the bench that faced the lake in perfect alignment to watch the éirí gréine and luí na gréine. In the dawning light I could see a metal plaque on the bench and bent down reading it aloud, “I hope you dance.... V&T 4-ever.”
I felt him wrap his arms around my waist and lean his chin on my shoulder, “Merry Christmas, Mi Mot.”
I reached around and patted his face as the tears blurred my vision. I took a steadying breath, “I love it, thank you my love, its perfect.”
He turned me, kissing me softly and wiping away a tear. “In the spring we can have a concrete pad poured, so it will be ready for baby James to sit with his Aunt Sugar to watch the birds over the lake.” he whispered.
I laughed through my tears, loving him more than I ever thought possible. We sat on the bench snuggled together as the sky turned pink, and the sun begin to rise above the shore of the lake to break through the thin layer of clouds. I love the sunrise over Lake Superior because each day brings something different. Today I searched for one thing, one sign, to know they were here with us, but I saw nothing. The lake was quiet as the sun rose and my mind began to wander to the shore on the other side of the lake, the shore I couldn’t see. I felt his eyes on me and he slowly tipped my chin up, “Stop. The only shore you need to think about today is this one, the one we are sitting on together.” he said lovingly and I watched as his eyes swirled.
I nodded quickly. “The only shore that matters.” I whispered and laid my head on his chest.
The sun became a giant ball of pink in the sky and the woods came alive when the birds began to greet the day with their feathers plumped up against the wind. Van pointed out towards the lake, and I looked up to see a golden eagle taking flight from a tree branch of a red pine to swoop out over the lake. It wasn’t long and a second one joined in the flight. They flew away from us until they were black specks in the sky, but they were enough to remind me they were still here.
He bent down and kissed me slowly, his lips barely touching mine as my eyes fell closed and my heart overflowed. “Best morning ever.” he said against my lips and I smiled knowing that to be one hundred percent bang on. I sat up and took a deep breath ready to go shake Lillie awake for Christmas morning presents.
“Van, why do I smell a campfire?” I asked him and he had a grin on his face that told me he knew the answer.
“Come on!” he grabbed my hand and we jogged to the fire pit where Sharon, Lenny, Jessie, Julie and Lillie sat on their cranns with a fire blazing as they drank coffee from a thermos. Even Lillie who proclaimed she “hated coffee” when she first arrived yesterday had a cup in her hand.
“Merry Christmas, Sugar!” They all said in unison and I couldn’t stop the bubble of laughter that escaped.
“Merry Christmas to all of you, this is becoming a habit.” I laughed, hugging them all, remembering the campfire we had shared just a few hours ago. The campfire that changed my life.
Van and I sat on our cranns, his was a new tree stump we found one day in the woods and rolled to the fire pit. I hadn’t had much time to carve it, so it was pretty bare, but I noticed this morning there was a V&T 4-ever carved in the side. He gave me a little lip tilt as he handed me a cup of coffee and my heart smiled.
“So, what brings you out so early this Christmas morning?” I asked them and Jess snorted.
“We were encouraged to come for early morning caroling time by your new fiancé. I think he just wants you for himself for the rest of the day.” Jess said laughing and Van gave him a fist bump.
“Fair play!” he grinned at my brother.
Julie caught my eye and blew me a kiss and I blew one back, she looked so happy now that everything was out in the open.
“So caroling you say?” I asked, “That’s going to be a problem, I can’t carry a tune in a bucket and Nathan isn’t here to play the guitar.”
Van held up a finger and went to the small shed grabbing a guitar and slinging it around his neck, giving it a couple of strums for tuning. I noticed Lillie laughing at the shocked look on my face.
“I didn’t know he played.” I snickered and she nodded.
“Many things you have to learn to be a Jedi master.” She said in a deliriously funny southern Yoda voice.
Van took his place again on the crann next to me and we sang our hearts out as the fire blazed. They were singing, but I was counting the seven most important blessings in my life.
Whoever said Christmas is for children obviously never met my fiancé. After an impromptu Christmas breakfast of butter horn rolls and eggs, my family took their leave, I’m pretty sure to go back to bed. That left Van, Lillie and I alone in the lodge. The fire was burning in the fireplace and Lillie was stretched out in the chair snoozing as Van tucked me up under his arm on the couch.
“Whatcha get me for Christmas?” he asked for the thirtieth time.
“Nothing.” I said smiling and he faked a tear.
“That’s not true, I see my name on a couple of those packages under the tree. I'll get you to talk." He grinned, his hands tickling my ribs.
“Stop! Stop!” I laughed as his tickling became more intense, and my breath caught in my throat.
“Not 'til you tell me.” He urged, heading for the spot behind my knee.
“Okay, okay!” I yelled breathlessly and he stopped, waiting for my answer. I grabbed a couple of breaths in, “Underwear and socks.” I said straight faced and he attacked then, tickling me until I couldn’t breathe and Lillie finally broke it up.
“Y’all think you could keep it down over there? Or better yet, get a room.” She drawled in her soft southern way. Van’s hands stilled and we both died laughing at the stern look on her face.
He held up his hands, “Of course, I’m sorry mommy, I promise to be good.”
I clapped my hand over my mouth and waited. I hadn’t known Lillie long, but I knew she wasn’t going to let him get away with a comment like that. She swung her feet over the arm of the chair and covered the distance between us in two steps. At barely five feet the word intimidating wouldn’t come to mind at first glance, until you found out all five feet of her was spitfire.
“Mommy?” she asked. “Y’all gonna be begging for your mommy when I’m finished jerking a knot in your tail, mister.”
Van flashed her a thousand watt smile and threw his hands up, “Oh, I’m shaking in my boots. Did you hear that Tula? She’s gonna jerk a knot in my tail.” He drawled in his horrible southern accent.
Before I could respond Lillie pounced on him attacking his midsection hollering for me to grab his arms. With a smile I did just that, knowing full well the two of us were no match for him, but I held his hands over his head while she tickled.
“Uncle, uncle!” he yelled and I threw my head back and laughed as she didn’t break stride.
“Okay, okay, mommy.” he shouted and her hands stilled. She stood, brushing the wrinkles out of her shirt, and fixing her hair.
“My job here is done.” she returned to her place in the chair, crossing one dainty leg across the other.
“Well, mine’s not.” I laughed and Van threw his hands over his head, waiting for the attack that never came. I chuckled as he slowly lowered his arms, and saw me standing by the Christmas tree.
He let out a breath, “Alright, present time.”
Lillie joined me by the tree and I handed her a package. She winked at me, “Guess we should probably let him open the first one?” She snickered, handing it to him.
He tore open the paper and stopped dead, looking up at Lillie. She sat down next to him as he flipped through the pages in the photo album.
“Lil...” he started to say and then stopped, closing the book and running his hand over the picture on the front of it. “Where did you get this?” he finally asked.
“When I was helping you pack up and move I found this old box of photos of you and Grandma Deidre. They were all mixed up and I thought it would be nice if we had them all in a book, so you could show your children some day. I had a friend help me with some of the older ones. He had them digitally enhanced and restored.” she explained, shrugging her shoulder a bit and folding her hands.
I walked over and gave him a kiss on his cheek, taking a look at the cover of the book. Having seen pictures of his mother before, I knew it was her smiling back at me with her arm around Van. “That’s a great picture of you and your Mom, Van. I’d love to frame it to go with the ones on the mantle.”
He looked up at me and nodded, then hugged Lillie tightly, “Best present ever.” he whispered in her ear. She smiled, her eyes swirling green just like his, and I gave her the thumbs up.
“Okay,” Lillie said, “whose next?”
Van stood and grabbed a long envelope from under the tree and handed it to me. “Sorry about the wrap job, it was last minute.”
“I thought the bench...” I started to say and he held up his hand. “Just open it.” He insisted, rocking back on his heels.
I carefully opened the envelope, pulling out two plane tickets to Dublin Ireland. I looked up quickly and he was grinning.
“Merry Christmas, Mi Mot, run away with me, or better yet, marry me, and then run away with me.”
I was stunned silent staring at the tickets in my hand, “In a heartbeat.” I whispered and he kissed me softly, his hands making their way under my shirt where they lay against the warm skin on my back. For a moment I forgot all about where I was as his fingers massaged my ribs and his mouth worked its way to my ear.
“Ahem.” Lillie cleared her throat and I looked up to see her rolling her eyes at us. Van quickly dropped his hands and smoothed my shirt, having the good grace to act embarrassed.
“Later.” he whispered as he walked past me, and I had to hide the smile as I bent down to grab a gift from under the tree.
“This one is from me, Lil.” I handed her the gift and she took it with brow raised.
“You didn’t know I was going to be here. How did you find time to get a gift?” she asked turning it over in her hands.
“Well, funny story,” I said sitting down next to her. “I ordered it figuring I had plenty of time to get it and mail it to you in Chicago, but then it took my guy too long to finish it, so it was going to be late. Now I see it was the Lord looking out for me since He knew you were going to be here. Go ahead, open it.” I clapped, motioning towards it.
“Your guy?” she asked with trepidation and I laughed.
“Yeah, my guy, open it.” I said again and she tore into the paper, revealing a jeweler’s box. I saw Van smile when he saw the insignia and she lifted the lid to reveal the seven pieces of jewelry displayed inside.
“Sugar?” she said my name breathlessly, and questioningly, as Van moved behind us to get a better look.
I put my arm around her shoulders, “Each year we have a piece of jewelry made for MAMBOS that we sell as a fundraiser. My jeweler only makes four original pieces, one for me, Julie, Sharon and the volunteer of the year, the rest are reproductions.” I took out the bracelet from this year’s dinner and clasped it around her wrist. “I asked him to make a fifth set, so all the girls in the family have one.” I said winking, and saw the tears in her eyes.
“It’s beautiful, Sugar.” she cried softly, looking closely at the bracelet. Van reached out and pointed to the wing of the largest butterfly.
“Look close Lil.” he whispered and it was then that she realized her name was engraved on the wing.
She threw her arms around me and hugged me tight, “I barely know you, but I already love you so much.” she whispered.
I rubbed her back and smiled, “I love you too, welcome to the family, sweetheart.”
God bless peace.
Want to know more about the Sugar Series? Sugar's Dance, the first book in this epic saga, is on sale for just $0.99 until 12/30/2014!
Katie Mettner grew up in Eau Claire, Wisconsin and moved to the Northwoods where she now resides with her husband and three children. Katie writes inspirational romance and is the author of The Sugar Series, The Northern Lights Series and the Snowberry Holiday Series. Her stories are a reflection of her love for family, intricately woven with life experience. When the gales of November blow early you can find her at the computer with a cup of joe working on her next adventure.
Follow Katie:
Sunday, December 14, 2014
Rise of the Faire-Amanti - Raine Thomas Release Day Blitz
in the desolate Dark Lands, Kyr and Ty share a bittersweet reunion. Alametria
lies on the brink of darkness. Their people are still reeling, believing she’s
dead at Ty’s hands. With no other choice, many have turned to the Guardians and
Advisor Vycor for guidance, never suspecting they’re being led to slaughter.
and Ty encounter overwhelming challenges in their fight to save their people: a
deadly environment, murderous Marauders, and powerful protections preventing
them from reaching the palace. When the journey itself could mean their deaths,
the one thing that keeps them going is the thought of bringing VycorDane to
a battle on multiple fronts, lacking resources, and significantly outnumbered,
Kyr and Ty must rely on each other in the race to save their planet. Will they beat
the odds and restore peace to Alametria...or will Vycor’s evil destroy them

Amazon: http://amzn.to/1GmUJH6
UK: http://bit.ly/ROTFAAMZUK
iBooks: http://bit.ly/ROTFAiBooks
Kobo: http://bit.ly/ROTFAKobo
Goodreads: http://bit.ly/ROTFAGoodreads
Turning so he faced Kyr, he lifted a gloved hand to her shoulder. Are you sure you want to do this?
She nodded, but he saw the rapid pulse in her neck belying her
fear. They were both struggling to ignore the flight reflex pounding in their
He considered walking to the storage bay and pulling out the
sleeping pallets Gren had packed for their use, but he worried that taking even
that much time would have them both abandoning this plan and giving in to the
protections. Instead, he bent down and kissed her.
The feel and taste of Kyr shoved every other thought to the far
corners of his mind. Although it had only been a few days since he last touched
her like this, he felt like a starving man being offered a sumptuous buffet.
Her soft lips eased open beneath his, begging him to deepen the kiss. He
obliged, rubbing his tongue against hers as she tasted him just as thoroughly.
He ached to touch her. He broke away from her long enough to yank
off his goggles and gloves. She hastily did the same. As if of one mind, they
didn’t stop there, stripping out of their flight gear with quick, purposeful
movements. When Ty was done, he helped Kyr remove the rest of her clothing.
Then they came together in a mad rush, their mouths once again finding each
other in a searing kiss.
Open your mind to me, Kyr thought. Only
to me.
Yes. Only you.
He barely processed her demand over the raging need coursing
through his body, but understood what she wanted. Since their first time
joining here in the Dark Lands, he had learned that he had to keep a barrier between
them when they made love. If he didn’t, they ran the risk of their joined power
spiraling out of control like it had that time. On the more practical side,
there was also the fact that if he allowed himself to feel everything she felt,
their lovemaking would be over practically before it started.
Trust in us, she encouraged him as her hands ran along the muscles of his
arms and chest.
Heedless of the consequences, he did as she asked, fully opening
his mind to hers.
Raine Thomas is the award-winning author of bestselling Young
Adult and New Adult fiction. Known for character-drivenstories that inspire the
imagination, Raine recently signed with multiple award-winning producer Chase
Chenowith of Back Fence Productions to bring her popular Daughters of Saraqael
trilogy to the big screen. She's a proud indie author who is living the dream.
When she isn't writing or glued to e-mail or social networking sites, Raine can
usually be found vacationing with her husband and daughter on one of Florida's
beautiful beaches or crossing the border to visit with her Canadian friends and

AmazonUK: http://amzn.to/1EDzrEb
Nook: http://bit.ly/1oO3dCb
iBooks: http://bit.ly/1zl7CO2
Kobo: http://bit.ly/1pT1V9S
Tuesday, December 9, 2014
Another Shot at Love/Done With Love - Niecey Roy Promo
Wow, wow, wow!
Another Shot at Love & Done with love are some of my books and now
they have amazing new makeovers!
These are some books you don't want to miss out on!
Sexy RomCom
What's Love??? series
Imogen Gorecki has a problem—her twin sister just got engaged, and guess who’s the best man? That’s right, her scum-of-an-ex-boyfriend whom she caught cheating with a bottle-blonde, with fake breasts and a stripper’s flexibility. There’s a disturbing possibility her eyes will never recover.
Monday, December 8, 2014
Hottie McTottie Monday/Cover Reveal Noel's Hart - Katie Mettner
Happy Hottie McTottie Monday Cover Reveal!
Today I'm featuring the 3rd book in the Snowberry Holiday Series,
Noel's Hart!
This series is filled with sexy Hottie McTotties!
DRUM ROLL PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Back Blurb:
Psalm 61:4: “You are my safe refuge, a fortress where my
enemies cannot reach me. Let me live forever in your sanctuary, safe beneath
the shelter of your wings.”
Savannah Hart grew up in the school of hard knocks and as
an adult wants everything in her life to be perfect. She’s poured blood, sweat
and tears into her home and her business to make that happen. Suddenly faced
with choosing between her home, her shop, or her health, she discovers an added
complication, Noel Kiss.
Noel Kiss is determined to stay in Snowberry and get to
know his twin, December, again. He buys the local family restaurant, only to
discover his new neighbor is Savannah’s Flower Emporium, run by none other than
the mysterious Savannah Hart.
Desperate for relief Savannah agrees to Noel’s crazy
proposal. She tells herself when her life is perfect again she will tell him
goodbye, but Noel knows his life is perfect with her in it. Can Noel convince
her that his arms are the shelter she’s been looking for or will he be holding
a broken heart on Valentine’s Day?
Here on Forget The Housework I like to interview the Hotties I'm featuring and I managed to convince mild mannered Noel to come by for a visit.
Tobi: Welcome to Forget The Housework, Noel! I owe Jay a pizza from Gallo's for convincing you to come, but it was worth it!
Noel: Hi, Tobi, thanks for having me today. I'm laughing about the pizza. I was quite charmed to be asked and planned to come all along, but it was fun messing with Jay. My sister really picked a keeper when she married him.
Tobi: Wait, so I didn't have to offer pizza from the best place in town to get you to come here?
Noel: *Laughing* No, but we can let Jay think he had something to do with it, makes him feel special. I don't think Gallos is the best place in town though. Have you ever heard of Kiss's Cafe? That's the best place in town. *wink*
Tobi: Always the salesman, aren't you? I'm familiar with the Kiss's Cafe in Rochester, Minnesota. That's where we met you in December Kiss, but there isn't one in Snowberry?
Noel: Yet. Give me another month or so and there will be. I'm remodeling Bucks Tackle Barn and turning it into a Kiss's Cafe. With both Kiss twins in the town there has to be a Kiss's Cafe there too.
Tobi: Congratulations, Noel! I know it will be a big success, Jay couldn't stop talking about that December Morning omelette you make. We know December lives in Snowberry, but are you moving there too? When we left Jay and December you were heading back to Rochester after Christmas.
Noel: *Shifts uncomfortably* I was, but then I needed a place to stay and Snow's best friend Savannah offered her spare room to me. I don't know why, she didn't know me from Adam, but it was very kind of her. Anyway, I couldn't stop thinking about December, Snowberry or Savannah after I returned to Rochester. Something was telling me I needed to go there to stay, not just to visit. It was quite unlike me I have to admit. I drove into town, bought a shut down restaurant and propositioned a woman all in the span of one day.
Tobi: *Raises eyebrow* Propositioned a woman? That sounds worthy of a read right there.
Noel: *Snort* It sounds far more studly than it was, actually. She needed help and I had the capacity to offer it, so I did.
Tobi: I don't think it's a bad thing to follow your gut. Sometimes those things we can't get out of our head are the ideas and plans that change our life, sometimes good and sometimes bad, but I'm betting this time it was good.
Noel: In this case it was good and bad. Savannah has been through so much I had no idea about until I got to know her better. I had a decision to make and I made it with the help of an angel. Once I made it felt relief that I was following the path He wanted me to follow, that made everything else that happened easier to deal with.
Tobi: An angel? That sounds intriguing.
Noel: *Shaking head* You should have been me waking up from that dream! I wondered if the white coats were going to come and haul me away or if I was even awake. It took a lot of coffee that morning to convince myself it was real, but I truly believe it was. I guess Savannah did too because when I told her she didn't tell me I was crazy and ask me to leave.
Tobi: *Laughing* I'm glad she didn't tell you to leave, because we just met you and I'm sure we will learn a lot about you in Noel's Hart. Maybe a little bit more about December too?
Noel: *Grinning* Yes! There is a lot to learn about the Kiss twins. I regret the years December and I spent apart and the pain I caused her. I know she has forgiven me, but I'm not sure I can ever forgive myself. I didn't do right by her. She was always my other half and I missed her so much those eight years we were apart. I didn't realize until Jay showed up in my cafe just how much was missing in my life because she wasn't part of it. I wanted to move to Snowberry so I could be there when my niece or nephew is born and be part of my sister's life again.
Tobi: Whoa, niece or nephew? *Raises eyebrow high*
Noel: *Laughing* No, there is no baby yet, but someday there will be. Sorry to get your hopes up!
Tobi: *Sigh* Durn, I'm looking forward to all kinds of new babies in Snowberry! Snow and Dully's will be here soon and then I'm hoping a little December or Jay, and then, maybe?????
Noel: Oh no, I'm not saying a word. No way, no how!
Tobi:*Raises brow*
Noel: *Laughing* You do have a way about you, Tobi. I could tell you, but then what fun would it be to read Savannah's story? Nope, you will have to wait.
Tobi: *Sigh* Okay, I'll be good, but not because I want to be. Before you go did you bring me anything to share with my readers?
Noel: Of course, Jay gave me a thorough lesson on what I needed before I came to visit.
Tobi: Yeesh, that makes me sound like a real hard nose.
Noel: *Laughing* No, not at all. It makes you a sucker for a great story, so I brought you one. Well, an excerpt anyway. This is the first time I saw Savannah again after I got back to Snowberry. It broke my heart, but definitely gave me the ammunition to stay and stick my nose in where it didn't belong.
Tobi: Awwwww, I'm very glad you did and I know Savannah is too. Thanks for stopping by today and sharing this excerpt with my readers. I know they are going to fall in love with you and Savannah's story the same way they did with December and Jay. *Rustles around in pocket and hands over a twenty* Can you make sure Jay gets that pizza I promised him?
Noel: *Laughing* Keep the money Tobi, this pizza is on me. You might need that twenty to order pizza for your kids once you start Noel's Hart! Thanks for letting me sit in the Hottie McTottie Hot Seat today and the next time you're in Snowberry, stop by for a December Morning, on the house.
Tobi: Sounds great, Noel. Thanks for coming!
Excerpt of Noel's Hart:
The only guy I’ve seen pull off a well cut suit lately was December’s husband, Jay. Now that guy can wear a suit. My skinny, string bean physique always makes me look like I’m drowning in pinstripes. I definitely preferred jeans and a flannel shirt to this any day. I stopped in front of Savannah’s Flower Emporium and took a deep breath. I haven’t seen her since Christmas Day, but sent her a few texts to check on her. She always assured me she was fine, but I knew she wasn’t. It only took one look at her face to see she was far from fine, but I prayed she had someone found some relief from her pain.
I pulled the door open and the smell of fresh roses, carnations and violets hit me in the face. I took a long deep breath of the fragrant petals, surprised by how it suddenly felt like spring in the middle of winter. I made a mental note to make sure I kept fresh flowers in my café during the winter. I grinned. Guess I knew just the person to get them from.
The door closed behind me, but I didn’t see Savannah anywhere. I waited by the counter for a few moments, but when she didn’t come out, I walked towards the backroom where she cuts and sorts flowers, and does paperwork.
“Savannah? Are you here?” I called, so I didn’t scare her if she just hadn’t heard the bell. I peeked in the open door and she had her back to me, wiping her face. “Savannah, are you okay?”
She nodded, wiping her hands on her apron. “Hi Noel, I wasn’t expecting you today.”
My eyes drifted to the desk where there was paperwork spread out and the computer that now had a black screen. She still hadn’t turned to me, so I walked in and put my hand on her shoulder until she did.
My eyes took in the sight before me. She was wearing one of her signature aprons, lions stalking prey, but today it wasn’t covered in flower petals and stems like usual. It was dry, but her face wasn’t. Her face was red, her eyes watery, and the right side of her face was pulled back in an unnatural position.
“Do you need help?” I asked quickly, worried she might collapse again like Christmas Eve.
She shook her head and took a shaky breath, “No,” her hand went to the side of her face to cover it, “everything is fine. I didn’t hear the bell. It’s nice to see you. What are you doing here?”
She ducked her head and tried to get around me, but I stayed rooted, so she couldn’t get by. “Take a minute and get yourself together, honey. There’s no one out there.” She nodded her head quickly, but kept her eyes pointed to the ground. “I brought you some coffee.” I told her, holding the cup out. She took it and whispered thank you.
Either she was lying to me about her face or something bad had just happened, because I could hear the tears in her voice. I knelt down on the floor, looking up at her under her long auburn hair. “Is it just one of those days where you could use a hug?”
“I suppose it would be, if I had someone to hug.” She said sadly.
I stood and took the cup from her hand, tugging her over into my arms. “You can hug me.” I assured her, feeling her slip her arms around my waist. At just a hair over five feet tall her head barely reached the middle of my chest, but I liked how easily it nestled there. “I’m sorry you’re having a hard day. Is there anything I can do?”
She sighed and shook her head no, so I tucked her hair behind her ear and tried to comfort her the only way I knew how. “Whatever it is, it will be okay. Maybe not today or tomorrow, but it will.” I promised.....
Thursday, December 4, 2014
Mr. Good Enough - Jamie Farrell
Maddie Mason isn’t desperate. She’s simply tired of waiting for the universe to deliver her Mr. Perfect. So she’s turning to the dating website she created, MisterGoodEnough.com, to finally find her future.
Online matchmaking is perfect for Maddie, because:
A) History has proven she’s a poor judge of decent husband material.
B) The dating pool in her crumbling little hometown is all but dried up.
C) She wants babies.
Tuesday, December 2, 2014
Teen Tuesday/Never Forgotten - Kelly Risser
YA Paranormal Romance
One minute Meara Quinn is making plans for the summer before her senior year. The next she finds out that her mother's cancer has returned and they're moving away from the only home she's ever known. Every day becomes a struggle as Meara tries to cope with her mother's illness while being forced to move to another country to live with grandparents who are strangers.
Add weird visions of a father who was absent her entire life and top it all off with one whopping secret that everyone seems bent on keeping from her, and Meara has the perfect ingredients for a major melt down. The only things keeping her from coming unglued are some new friends and Evan—the son of her mother's childhood friend—who seems to know Meara almost better than she knows herself.
Together with Evan and her friends, Meara embarks on a new journey to unlock the secrets that will not only tell Meara who she is, but what she is.
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