Hello everyone! I'm very honored that Katie contacted me to have an exclusive of the NEW Covers of Sugar's Dance and Sugars Song! Thanks so much for letting me participate! It means so much! Without further ado here is the story from Katie on what brought about the changes!
A Message from Katie Mettner!
When I first embarked on the writing journey with Sugar’s Dance I really had no
aspirations that the book would be read by more than a few close family members and
friends. When Amazon wanted me to “create a cover” I really had no idea what to do so
I grabbed a pre-made cover, put a picture and my title on it and away I went. I hit that
“publish button”, mentioned on Facebook “Oh and I wrote this book and if you want to
read it it’s on Amazon and Barnes and Noble”, signed up on a Twitter and then sat back
not sure what to do next. To my great shock and surprise people started reading Sugar’s
story. Then they started asking me was there going to be a second? Heck, I hadn’t even
planned to publish the first, so a second wasn’t even a glimmer, but I did know her story
wasn’t done so with that “The Sugar Series” was born. I met all these great authors and
friends on Twitter and Faceboook who gave me all kinds of great tips, advice, support,
love, tweets, posts, mentions and were overall God given blessings to me as I wrote the
second in the series Sugar’s Song. I had a friend do the front cover for that book and I
again hit that publish button and off we went. But as I sat looking at the covers I realized
I was looking at the future. There in front of me were two of the three books in the series,
but I had SO many more books in my mind. I really wanted to take all my ideas and
turn them into a really descriptive, detailed, but fast glimpse into the book. So for about
two weeks I attempted to take all these great ideas I had and make a cover. Turns out
Photoshop doesn’t like me (that’s my tactful way of saying my art skills don’t go beyond
crayons). It’s okay though because I had a way around that and I emailed a friend I had
met on Twitter, Ms. Laura LaRoche of LLPix Photography, and begged her to help (not
exaggerating, I actually begged). I told her my vision and within two days she had both
covers ready for me. I opened them and immediately responded with “These are perfect!
Don’t change a thing!” She had taken my words and made it magical. She is my hero. So
with that I give you the new covers for Sugar’s Dance and Sugar’s Song!
Stay tuned to Forget The Housework for the late summer release of the cover for the last
in The Sugar Series, Sugar’s Night! As I write the story the cover is beginning to take
shape in my mind and yet something else is taking shape as well. It was just an idea I
was tossing around as I wrote her finale, but it began to grow with each chapter I wrote.
Then, as always happens, I got that little bit of divine guidance when Laura sent me the
image of the cross she had created for my book covers. I sat there looking at it and I knew
that we would never really be ready to leave Sugarland, so I sure hope after we finish the
cover for Sugar’s Night Laura has time for a few more covers for my Sugarland Series!
In this series we will meet some new friends and check in on some old friends as we
continue our adventure north.
I want to say a special thank you to Tobi for all of her support of the Sugar Series and
for always letting me jump on and take over her blog at my every whim! I love you
and am so grateful that the Lord led me to Twitter and you! Now, forget the housework
everybody, its time for a little Sugar!
Here are the NEW COVERS for Sugar's Story!
Sugar's Dance Amazon
Sugar's Dance Barnes & Noble
Sugar's Song Amazon
Sugar's Song Barnes & Noble

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